The air crackles with excitement. Drums pounding, violins furiously sawing away, desperate to be heard through the magnificent wall of sound provided by the brass section. The conductor makes one movement, and suddenly there is complete silence while the room still rings with inspiration. As the emotion dissipates, you open your eyes, and though startled to find yourself at home, you can still feel the atmosphere of the auditorium - alive with energy.

At NVS Sound we strive to build a bridge to your inspired, immersive sound. Whether you seek flawless realism, a captivating sound stage, or simply a little audio magic, together we will connect your favorite artists, your soul, and your listening room. We are passionate about music, and we are passionate about your journey with music.

A successful system starts with us gaining a clear understanding of what sound you are looking to achieve, where you are currently in your audio journey, and what constraints exist in building your system. We begin with a conversation that helps us put you in front of an appropriate demonstration system for your needs. We’ll make a change and listen to your impressions, so we can refine our suggestions for you. Then we visit your system for shared assessment, and install the equipment best fit to bring that magic into your own home!